Where does the time go? Now that the holidays have come and gone I feel like I finally have time to fill everyone in on what has been going on in our home for the last few weeks. We had an amazing Christmas. Logan was sick and vomiting on Christmas Eve but luckily bounced back in time for Christmas morning. Christmas morning was great. The kids woke us up (not too early). We went downstairs and Santa had left Logan a marble set and Ruby an Easy Bake oven. From that moment on all Logan wanted to do was play marbles. We finally convinced him to open his other presents when Ruby pushed the button on the gift she got for Logan when the Handy Manny song started playing he needed to see what was in that present or "wish box" as Logan calls them. They got some great gifts (not too many). We cleaned up the paper mess and finally let Logan play with his marble set while dad and I got breakfast ready. We got ready for the day and off to my Aunts house we went. We had a wonderful Christmas dinner with all the fixings.We even got fresh baked cookies from Ruby's easy bake oven! Unfortunately by the end of the night daddy was starting to feel sick and achy and was down for Boxing Day.
My family came to town on the 27th and were amazed at the progress that Logan has made. He enjoyed playing with his cousins and sister for a few days. On the 29th we went to the hitmen game for Logan's birthday. I was desperately trying to find a

toddler Hitmen jersey for Logan as he attends all games with Dad and Ruby. I had talked to my mom about checking at a great Sports store where she lived to see if they had one or knew where to get one. When she came up empty handed she decided to contact the Hitmen to see if they knew where she could get one. Turns out they do not make toddler sizes. My mom had told them that Logan had been going to the games with his dad and Ruby since he was a few months old. She also told them of Logan's difficult year and that the Hitmen games were the one event Logan was able to regularly attend. They replied by wanting to present Logan with a Hitmen Jersey albeit too big but a jersey nonetheless. On the 29th three hitmen players (Hilton, Kirsch, and Rissling) presented Logan a Hitmen Jersey. They even put it on him. They gave Ruby a Hitmen Bear. Logan was so happy. Daddy had upgraded the seats so we were closer to the ice than normal. The smile on his face made us forget all we have gone through with Logan this year. What a wonderful organization we can't wait to pay it forward.
New Years Eve was nice and quiet. We watched the ball drop in NYC and told the kids it really was New Years. They were ecstatic to be staying up till "midnight" we toasted the New Year with Sparkling Apple Juice. What a wonderful year it will be.
New Years Eve must have hit Ruby pretty hard. She was sick all day on New Years Day she must have been really not feeling well as she put herself to bed that night.
On the 4th of January Logan started his Therapy. It is everyday either 8:30 to 12 or 1 to 4:30. Our team consists of two wonderful girls who will alternate days with Logan. Occasionally the Occupational Therapist, Speech and Language Pathologist, Psychologist or Clinical Coordinator will stop in during "therapy" for an hour or so to see progress made or suggest changes. Right now it feels different as I am so use to dealing with Logan alone during the day. I have a times not known what to do with myself. Ruby thinks it is great. She has come up with a few crafts we are going to "tackle" while Logan is in therapy. I am sure it will be harder for her as the sessions keep going as she is not use to Logan getting all the attention but for now she is happy.
Today is Logan's 3rd birthday. He woke up a bit stuffed up and cranky. When it got time to dig into his cupcakes tonight he started throwing up so we are sitting by the monitor listening making sure he does not get sick in bed. There are times I look back and can't believe it has taken me this long to get here. Other times I can't believe how fast it has gone by and that we have accomplished as much as we have.
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