Well Tuesday was Logan's first day of therapy. J (his therapist) played with him on Tuesday to see how Logan reacted to different play styles and where his interests were. It is so neat to see how they pick up on things many people do not see. She has given us many ideas on things to work on through the day. I was happy to see that Logan took to her right away. It was refreshing to hear positive feedback on things Logan is wonderful at. She was amazed by Logan's memory. When she returned on Wednesday he remembered exactly what they played and how they played it. Tuesday he was very upset with the transition between games/toys by Wednesday she figured out how we could work with him to transition with out tantrums. It will be interesting to see how Ruby takes to all the attention in the home around Logan but I am going to find special projects for her to work on when Logan is in therapy. There will be a time when they would like to work with both kids to teach Ruby to play with Logan functionally but for now they need to work with him alone. The part of ABA therapy that I love is that the family is incorporated into the therapy and we are taught along with Logan. I am so proud of him. This is the first step on our way towards recovery and we are so excited.
Tomorrow is our MDT meeting to see if Logan will get specialized services. It is a very important meeting and I am hoping that all will go as planned. I have a wonderful positive feeling but am still nervous. I will let you know how it goes....
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