We are very thankful for all your positive feedback about the blog. We are so happy to be able to share our journey.
In my last post I spoke of all of the skills Logan was not able to do. In the year that has followed my phone conversation with Early Intervention Logan has regained some of the skills he lost and learned some new skills. He began talking again and although his speech is echolalich (repeat what he hears) he did start saying Mom/Dad, and I love you Mom/Dad. It is that sentence that keeps me going each day! We taught Logan to make some eye contact which is called joint attention. He learned to wave and point that is referred to as gesturing. Although these typical milestones seem small to others they are huge to our family. With the persistence of his sister Ruby he has learned to play alongside other children. I can't say enough about what Ruby has provided Logan. She thinks outside the box and has figured out if Logan does not understand something one way she will figure out another way to teach him. I often find myself asking Ruby if I don't understand why Logan is frustrated. We are so lucky to have Ruby on our team. She is so patient and compassionate. Logan has an amazing memory he knows many songs off by heart I often catch him singing Oh Canada or songs from TV shows he watches and can put together puzzles really fast. One of the things Logan enjoys the most is going to Calgary Hitmen games with Ruby and Dad. He sits and watches the entire game and has started mimicing dad and yelling at the players and the refs.
We have been really busy getting ready for the holidays and I have enjoyed watching the kids decorate the tree, build a gingerbread house and watch Christmas movies. We are trying to expose Logan to Santa as much as possible in the hopes he will get a picture with Santa. Ruby keeps telling me not to worry because Santa will give Logan a candy cane so he will be happy!
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