So we have has some memorable moments around our house lately. The first was for the past week when asked to do something Logan would say Yes Sir! or Yes Master! I am not sure where he heard it but it has made us giggle every time. It has recently subsided which is great because it started to get old after a week. The next phrase that got a giggle was when Logan needed help instead of asking for Help! He was saying Mayday Mayday Mayday we are losing altitude! I finally figured out it is from one of the three Ice Age movies. If you are not too familiar with Logan he tends to memorize a movie after watching it once. He will repeat movie quotes back when he is at a loss of words. It is rather cute.
I had a wonderful Mothers Day. Logan and Ruby let me sleep in...thanks to Dad and Aunt B (as Ruby had a sleep over). When we were driving somewhere with Logan he said I love watching movie, and I Love Mama! There were times I never thought I would hear those words from our son. It brought tears to my eyes and warm my heart. He has come so far.
Logan is continuing to make progress! The other day he took off his own Pajamas and put on his shirt and pants.....yeah Logan. That evening when Logan took his shirt off and put on his Pajama shirt for Ruby she cheered and said I think I am going to cry!! We are all so proud of him. I just went to his clinic yesterday and they are thrilled with the strides he is making!
I have noticed a change in Logan when we play outside with the kids in the complex. Logan now chases them around instead of wanting to play in the puddle or sandbox alone. The other day he had a complete melt down because he wanted the a toy gun the kids were playing laser tag with they let him have it for a bit and he chased them around with it but was not keen on sharing the gun. I carried him in the house kicking and screaming and I had a smile from ear to ear because my boy wanted to continue to play with the other kids. It made me remember that life is sweet and we have come so far!