So the idea of keeping everyone up to date was a great one but boy does time fly. We are going in to month three of Logan's full time therapy and the changes are amazing. I can't believe a few months ago I was excited about Logan wanting chocolate milk. The other day he was sitting in the living room with me I mentioned it was time for dinner and Logan yelled to Ruby (she was upstairs) come down now it is time for dinner.
Ruby is still having some difficulties adjusting and I am just trying to be patient and understand it is so much for a five year old to absorb. We have a psychologist that is spending sometime with her to help her understand everything. She was over the other day and she asked Ruby "how is Logan different from you" Ruby said he is a boy, he is smaller/younger than me, and he is stronger than me. In my mind I was thinking it is so refreshing that to her Autism does not have a label. Don't get me wrong there are down sides at times. I have dealt with her asking if Logan will be autistic for the rest of his life, she has asked for a different brother, and she has warned her friends that want to come over for a playdate that her brother is autistic and they have to be nice even if he is not. But in all she is so wonderful with him. She must say to me "that was so cute" at least once a day.
Logan is learning new tasks everyday. He can now put on his jacket. He can use his daily scheduler so he knows what is going on day to day. He has mastered Cariboo, Pop up Pirate, and Memory. So at this time family game night is almost Typical. I used typical because what is "normal". He is currently learning how to play Go Fish I can't get over how fast he has learned it. These games provide Logan with joint attention skills and turn taking. While he is playing he is making eye contact, taking turns and waiting patiently.
He has mastered many clothing labels and all most all body parts. It is so int resting to see him learn these labels and watching how his brain works. When going through all the body parts if you are to switch and pull on you pant leg and say what is this he says knee because his brain is still focused on body parts. After working on body parts then moving and playing something else if you were to pull on your pant leg and say what is this he says pants! The brain is a funny thing. It would work the same way if we were working on shapes and then pointed at the door he would say rectangle. Every thing is so literal.
If Autism has never touch your life and you just don't get is you need to see Temple Grandin the movie. It was recently on HBO. I watched it and was speech let.
I will post more often.